Anyway, with my frustration levels rising rapidly, I decided to make my feelings known on The Project's facebook page (see the comments posted in response to the video that was posted on May 25 at 18:18 and also under the video posted under the title "Is Australia being left behind on marriage equality", earlier the same day). This is where things really got interesting. Poor Steve copped plenty of vilification from those who disagreed with him, while there was also a fair bit of outcry against Georgi for her choice of language in the story. Besides several people being called "narrow-minded bigots", and I was told by several people that I "cannot" hold the view that marriage should be between men and women, because it's discriminatory, because it's "extremist religious propaganda", because it's ancient history and the list goes on. I'm more than happy for people to disagree with me, and given the amount of media beat-up regarding the apparent wholesale sentiment of the Australian public being in favour of same-sex marriage, indeed I expect people to disagree with me. What I am shocked about, is being told that I am not allowed to hold to a traditional view of marriage, and dare I venture to express that publicly, then I'd better get ready for a public shaming of my discriminatory, bigoted ways.
In the name of "anti-discrimination", it would appear that we are no longer permitted to hold an opinion that is contrary to the accepted majority position, and definitely not permitted to express it publicly. I'm not sure about you, but that sounds a lot like censorship to me. Possibly even bordering on dictatorship. And this position is at the selfsame time, held by people who would also espouse the apparent benefits of "tolerance", which according to Don Carson no longer means "accepting the existence of different views", but the "acceptance of other views", as in "actually accepting another's position means believing that position to be true, or at least as true as your own." And I guess that also answers the question of why someone who considers themselves to be extremely tolerant (given the new definition) finds the need to shout down those with a differing opinion; because they can, in no way, accept the position of those who are against same-sex marriage to be equally valid.
Is there any forum left in which those against same-sex marriage can be heard? Certainly not on The Project, which, in no uncertain terms, labels those who hold my view as being discriminatory and intolerant without taking a moment to hear our position, let alone give it equal air time, because the LGBT voices are shouting the loudest. We are being censored and demonised, without being heard, and yet we are the ones called discriminatory. I am not afraid of people who hold to an LGBT persuasion (although I am labelled homophobic) and I have no desire to oppress them, but in fact am very strongly encouraged to love and care for them, by the scriptures that I hold to (that extremist, religious propaganda). I do, however, have a different view on what constitutes a marriage.
Getting back to figuring out the whole same-sex marriage issue, I will be teaching my children that God made men and women for heterosexual relationships. Just like I will be teaching them that sex is for within marriage. I will also be teaching them that they have absolutely no right to judge LGBT people, or in fact anyone, because they too are far from perfect, and in need of a saviour, as am I. Call me old fashioned, but I will also be seeking to teach them that they can disagree with someone whilst continuing to love and care for them, and without needing to call them names or shout them down. If that makes me a discriminatory bigot, then so be it.
Photo by Crash:candy
Hi Bek,
ReplyDeleteI'm a Christian and I found this post via a friend posting on Facebook. I went and read (most of?) the comments on the video. I would like to point out that no-one was calling anyone a bigot in that thread that I could see.
But more importantly, when someone told you about the pain their best friend received, your response was to compare their relationship to polygamy and incest... it's unfair, and can you see how that would be hurtful to people in this situation? I'm surprised people didn't jump on you more, to be honest.
If you value my opinion, the only valid *secular* argument involves how same-sex marriage affects children in that relationship. Arguing tradition or God's mandate will not get you anywhere.
God bless,
DeleteHi Josh,
Thanks for sharing your critique and concerns regarding my interactions on Facebook. If you check the comments following the video on the Facebook page of the actual Irish referendum story, there is at least one comment there cheering Ireland for not being a country "full of narrow minded bigots". I'm quite glad that I didn't initially notice this particular post and respond on it, because it really gets quite visceral. I also noticed that one of the other comments that I referred to has been removed.
Regarding you reference to my reply to the man who's gay friend had died and his partner had not been acknowledged by the dead mans family, perhaps you are right and I ought to have spent more time addressing his pain, or perhaps you would prefer that I didn't try to respond to him, given what he had been through. I absolutely did not, however, compare his *relationship* to polygamy or incest, but rather his *arguement* that homosexual marriage ought to be allowed because The LGBT community feels discriminated against, with his friend as a case in point. My point is that people of other sexual orientations that are currently not as widely accepted by the media, or general society could also appeal to the same argument that this man was using, and would he be willing to accept their claims for "marriage equality"? I was by no means trying to minimise his pain.
Thanks for sharing your opinions.