This is not to say that we shouldn't have any especially close friendships, after all, as Proverbs 18:24 says, "A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother." But perhaps we should be mindful of the way that we refer to them amongst other friends. Let me tell you about the oldest friend of mine that I'm still in contact with. My friend that "sticks closer than a brother". Our friendship was born at the tender age of 13 when we were our local youth group rejects - well, I really shouldn't speak on behalf of my friend on that count, but I know that I definitely didn't feel as hip or cool as the other kids. I think this kind of genesis was the "Mount Doom" of friendship forging - seemingly indestructible. Plenty of other new and wonderful close friends have come along but today she is still one of my dearest friends and I miss her very much (she currently lives in another state). I hope and pray that this friendship will continue life-long.
The BBC News estimates that we can handle between about 6-12 close friends in our lives. Aristotle says that we are not truly friends until we have "eaten salt together", or spent enough time to be able to call ourselves friends. I'm not sure how this number is going to work out for me, but whilst in ministry, and especially while we're living in a Bible college community, I'm going to try not to put up too many barriers to creating new and hopefully some deep, friendships.
Photo is by ol'pete on Flickr.